Presented by MFA Fine Arts

Letha Wilson

Feb 18, 2025; 3:00 - 5:00pm
Artwork by Letha Wilson entitled Slit Slot Canyon, 2023. A print of a canyon leans forward off the wall and has a slit in it that looks through to a print of bricks pasted on the wall.Materials are metal studs, drywall, joint compound, digital print on adhesive vinyl, hole in wall. Dimensions are 180" x 110" x 60" Artwork by Letha Wilson entitled Slit Slot Canyon, 2023. A print of a canyon leans forward off the wall and has a slit in it that looks through to a print of bricks pasted on the wall.Materials are metal studs, drywall, joint compound, digital print on adhesive vinyl, hole in wall. Dimensions are 180" x 110" x 60"

Slit Slot Canyon, 2023. Metal studs, drywall, joint compound, digital print on adhesive vinyl, hole in wall 180" x 110" x 60".

Slit Slot Canyon, 2023. Metal studs, drywall, joint compound, digital print on adhesive vinyl, hole in wall 180" x 110" x 60".

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